This bloke has all the confidence...
Look into his eyes...
and listen to what he has to say.
~Must be Gila~
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Creepy Christmas Ornaments
#11. Demon Santa
"So, how can we give our little Santa figurine that extra little bit of flair?" "How about we stick a light inside his head? Like he's ... glowing with Christmas cheer or some shit? Just do it, I'm sure it'll look fine."
You were probably too distracted by Santa's glowing demonic eyes there to notice what he's sitting on: a tiny little house. And if you don't think a gigantic Santa whose eye sockets are burning with the fiery embers of hell itself squatting on your roof is terrifying, it's only because you haven't seen him in action yet. This thing is a fully animated robot, fueled by a hatred of humanity.
#10. Christmas Infant Comprehends the Universe's Horrors
Ah, Christmas. The time of year when we celebrate the emergence of the terrified infant from the alien cocoon.
According to the product description, this ornament is supposed to be a baby peeking out from a blanket. It was made in Germany, so maybe over there a baby in a blanket looks like an insect larva filled with the shiny half-formed offspring of a T-1000.
They also want us to think the gaping red mouth is actually a pacifier. Yeah, nice try, Germany.
#9. Beast-Legged Santa
This could have all been so very jolly. From the neck up, this is a nearly flawless execution of the (as we've now learned) extremely difficult task of creating Christmas decor. The lack of hands is a little troubling, but an artistic medium like pipe cleaners or whatever those are doesn't really leave room for luxuries of that sort, so it's fine.
But why, please, we're asking, why does Santa have tapered, footless animal legs? These are apparently reproductions of ornaments that first appeared in the 1940s. Did Santa have the torso of a fucking hairy starfish back then? If so, "The Night Before Christmas" contains some glaring omissions.
#8. Kidnapping Santa
Wait, is this even a Christmas decoration? If you just saw it in passing, you'd certainly think it was. There's a kid, a bag, a man in red clothes with a white beard -- all the usual suspects. But a second glance reveals the terrified kid getting stuffed into the sack, and that the guy doing it is just some dude in a robe.
You can find reproductions of this old-timey Christmas image around the Web, and nobody seems to know the origin of it. The site where we saw thisparticular ornament thought it was German (again!) because part of their Santa mythology supposedly involves him kidnapping children. Of course that's ridiculous -- their Santa leaves the kidnapping to a horrifying Christmas demon.
#7. So Apparently Terrified Infant Ornaments Are a Thing
Ah, the screaming terror of an infant that has been kidnapped by a lunatic and hung from a tree like a shrieking little trophy. This is apparently a traditional type of ornament that we had just missed before now.This one was sold in a now-closed Etsy sale, but has fortunately been preserved at Regretsy, the archive of Etsy's greatest horrors. The description said it would be "a special keepsake for anyone with a special baby in their lives, or as a reminder of the Holy Infant ..."
So take your pick: that screeching, bound, dangling baby is either your kid or Jesus.
#6. "Snowman" with "Stocking"
For each second you spend looking at this, some new horror will reveal itself. The product description says it's a snowman holding a stocking. Bullshit. Since when do snowmen have facial features, or rosy cheeks? Or legs? No, this is some kind of malformed offspring of an antiques-store orgy. It has the hat and collar of some kind of old-timey clown and the candy buttons of a gingerbread man, and it's not carrying a stocking -- it's carrying a boot that we're 100 percent sure still has a severed foot inside.
#5. Godzilla Santa
Same here -- you have to look at this one for a few seconds to get the full effect. Sure, oversized decorations are nothing new, but then you see Santa has seized a car and is about to pounce on it.
In other words, this isn't a case where they made their Santa bigger so you could see it from the highway, they are actually depicting Santa as being a giant who can pluck cars off the street and (presumably) eat the squishy people inside after peeling the roof off like the lid on a can of peanuts.
This appears to be a car dealership, one that decided that it'd be a good idea to market their cars as mouth-watering festive snacks to their gargantuan Santzilla. The lesson here: Be good or Santa will fucking eat you and everyone you love, and not even the Army can stop him! Merry Christmas, kids! Buy a fucking car!
#4. Party Girl
Oh, look at this little showoff! Sure, Party Girl, juggling is cool, especially when you're doing it just to spell the word "party." But seriously, anyone could juggle if we all had a single, circular arm that stretched from one shoulder to the other. Get over yourself, kid.Actually, the blob-like torso melting into the party banner makes us think the shape-shifting monster from The Thing got confused at a children's birthday party.
#3. The Chimera
On the surface, including this precious little bauble on a list of disturbing Christmas decorations might seem like an odd choice. After all, it's just an ornament with little bird legs. But allow us to point a few things out.
For one thing, look at those goddamned legs. They will end you, make no mistake about that. If it's not already an unwritten law that Christmas ornaments shouldn't have talons, it most certainly should be. But there's something else.
As adorable as this may look while it's standing (and while you're certifiably insane), that's going to completely fall apart when you hang it on the tree and realize that, thanks to that hook placement that we're guessing is supposed to look like a nose or something, it's now laying on its back. That is, it now looks like a dead bird, hanging by its beak.
![]() |
#2. Joy?
Remember that Orphan movie from a few years ago? The one where the little girl was really a middle aged prostitute who refused to remove the ribbon from around her neck because she was hiding a scar related to her past and also spoiler alert? This isn't really like that. The ribbon is just to hide the fact that "Joy" here doesn't have a neck. It's a design choice made purely out of necessity. No human neck can support a head like that.
#1. Giant Disfigured Santa
This tragically disfigured Santa Claus statue resides in Auckland, New Zealand. It's 66 frightening feet tall and, much to plenty of children's horror, it also moves. According to this story, The Aucklander reported that his finger struggled to keep up a pace of 27 beckons per minute or 25,920 times a day." That's right -- it's finger does a rapid, "Come over here, little girl" motion. Oh, and it winks, too.
This tragically disfigured Santa Claus statue resides in Auckland, New Zealand. It's 66 frightening feet tall and, much to plenty of children's horror, it also moves. According to this story, The Aucklander reported that his finger struggled to keep up a pace of 27 beckons per minute or 25,920 times a day." That's right -- it's finger does a rapid, "Come over here, little girl" motion. Oh, and it winks, too.
Unsurprisingly, residents of Auckland were uncomfortable with being beckoned to by something that looks like it wants your attention so it can ask if you're comfortable with being followed home. They literally performed plastic surgery to make this thing look human again. Of course, during the remodeling period, they had to cover its face...
Unsurprisingly, residents of Auckland were uncomfortable with being beckoned to by something that looks like it wants your attention so it can ask if you're comfortable with being followed home. They literally performed plastic surgery to make this thing look human again. Of course, during the remodeling period, they had to cover its face...
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Friday, November 18, 2011
The Noisolation Headphones
Tiesto, Armin and all you DJs out there. There's a new headphone is town. You might like to take a listen.
Read full article here.
~Must be Gila~
Read full article here.
~Must be Gila~
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Messed up family.
Seriously, this is a little out of order! We reckon the entire family need psychiatric help...especially the father.
Look at the daughter.
~Must be Gila~
Look at the daughter.
~Must be Gila~
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
I think he loves Brenda
Remember the first time you fall in love and everything around you was her name? Well here's one example. Plonker award goes to BRENDA'S psycho boyfriend!
~Must be Gila~
~Must be Gila~
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Monday, September 5, 2011
Animals are not weird, people are.
A taxidermist in New Zealand is causing controversy over his hybrid animal stuffings which combine body parts from creatures that have been killed on the roads.
Some people call him sick and some thinks he has the talent. He told a New Zealand website recently, "I saw heaps of dead things on the side of the road and thought it was a waste. When I'm driving along the road and see something... I step on the gas, stop, pull back and step on the gas again until they stop moving."
Central St Martins are looking at hiring him.
~Must be Gila~
Monday, August 29, 2011
Fake Disneyland in China
First there was fake Apple Store...and NOW, fake Disneyland. Made in CHINA! Enjoy watching kids.
~Must be Gila~
~Must be Gila~
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Meet Mr. MyCock
Aite check this out. This is a true story. There's a bloke in this world with the name "MyCock". So what did he do? He created an award winning stationary by using his brand name. Not a bad idea at all.
Mycock is SMART!
~Must be Gila~
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Lets cheer for Tan Sri Teh.
Hip-Hip...WTF!!! Hip-Hip...WTF!!!...Hip-Hip...WTF!!!
You can make anything happen in Malaysia. I want MustBeGila first party to be this grand.
~Must be Gila~
You can make anything happen in Malaysia. I want MustBeGila first party to be this grand.
~Must be Gila~
Friday, August 12, 2011
How do you eat what's on your plate if it's still moving? lol Well some can. This is simply disgusting to watch. But we know Must be Gila worthy news when we see one.
News article
~Must be Gila~
News article
~Must be Gila~
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
World Record for human powered Helicopter
Still trapped in the 80's, these 'Area 54' rejects get together for record breaking feat.
~Must be Gila~
~Must be Gila~
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
North Korea's Passport. Exclusive photograph
So they do travel after all. I wonder where? Perhaps within their country? Or is this available for officials only? We say, Must be Gila.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Monday, July 11, 2011
Daddy I want MILK!
What if your mum is actually your dad? or what if its the other way round? Are you really the dream come true child or just an experimental accident?
Everything is possible these days.
~Must be Gila~
Uummm...that's really tasty.
Would you eat food cooked in your own urine? Food scientists working for the US military have developed a dried food ration that troops can hydrate by adding the filthiest of muddy swamp water or even peeing on it.
The ration comes in a pouch containing a filter that removes 99.9 per cent of bacteria and most toxic chemicals from the water used to rehydrate it, according to the Combat Feeding Directorate, part of the US Army Soldier Systems Center in Natick, Massachusetts. This is the same organisation that created the "indestructible sandwich" that will stay fresh for three years.
The aim is to reduce the amount of water soldiers need to carry. One day's food supply of three meals, weighs 3.5 kilograms but that can be reduced to about 0.4 kilograms with the dehydrated pouches, says spokeswoman Diane Wood.
The pouch - containing chicken and rice initially - relies on osmosis to filter the water or urine. When two solutions of different concentrations are separated by a semipermeable membrane, with gaps that allow only water molecules to pass through, the water is drawn to the more concentrated side.
Hungry soldier
The membranes are made of thin sheets of a cellulose-based plastic, with gaps between the fibres that are just 0.5 nanometres across, too small for bacteria to pass through.
A hungry soldier pours dirty water into one end of a foil sachet containing two inner pouches separated by the membrane. The water seeps through the membrane into the dehydrated food on the other side. As it dissolves large molecules in the food, it creates a very high concentration solution. The osmotic pressure created then draws more water through the membrane.
Hydration Technology of Albany, Oregon, which makes the membrane, says soldiers should only use urine in an absolute emergency because the membrane is too coarse to filter out urea.
The body will not find this toxic over the short term, says Ed Beaudry, an engineer with HTI, but rehydrating food this way in the long term would cause kidney damage.
~Must be Gila~
The ration comes in a pouch containing a filter that removes 99.9 per cent of bacteria and most toxic chemicals from the water used to rehydrate it, according to the Combat Feeding Directorate, part of the US Army Soldier Systems Center in Natick, Massachusetts. This is the same organisation that created the "indestructible sandwich" that will stay fresh for three years.
The aim is to reduce the amount of water soldiers need to carry. One day's food supply of three meals, weighs 3.5 kilograms but that can be reduced to about 0.4 kilograms with the dehydrated pouches, says spokeswoman Diane Wood.
The pouch - containing chicken and rice initially - relies on osmosis to filter the water or urine. When two solutions of different concentrations are separated by a semipermeable membrane, with gaps that allow only water molecules to pass through, the water is drawn to the more concentrated side.
Hungry soldier
The membranes are made of thin sheets of a cellulose-based plastic, with gaps between the fibres that are just 0.5 nanometres across, too small for bacteria to pass through.
A hungry soldier pours dirty water into one end of a foil sachet containing two inner pouches separated by the membrane. The water seeps through the membrane into the dehydrated food on the other side. As it dissolves large molecules in the food, it creates a very high concentration solution. The osmotic pressure created then draws more water through the membrane.
Hydration Technology of Albany, Oregon, which makes the membrane, says soldiers should only use urine in an absolute emergency because the membrane is too coarse to filter out urea.
The body will not find this toxic over the short term, says Ed Beaudry, an engineer with HTI, but rehydrating food this way in the long term would cause kidney damage.
~Must be Gila~
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Fun Pack Song, Bad Romance - Lady Gaga rip-off!
The Fun Pack Song (to the tune of Bad Romance)
Check out Singapore's National Day song that is causing a stir. Can you believe the lyrics? Turn the speakers up and let's sing together now. Kopi-Ooooooo....
~Must be Gila~
Oh o o o o o o o o
Time for the fun pack song
Oh o o o o o o o o
We like the fun pack song
Let's start with the bag
That's right, grab your bag
It's the fun pack bag
Attack the fun pack
Hold up your flag, don't you forget
You can wave it if you feel like it
Let's wave the flag
Wave wave wave
Let's wave the flag
Take out your light stick, it's two of a kind
It's interactive, means you can join
Just pretend
Oh oh oh... It's a disco
You know that I want you
And you know that I need you
I want a wet, wet tissue
I want Newater and I want a cold drink
You and me, let's share a bit
I want a biscuit and I want a sweet
You and me, let's share this treat
Kopi-O o o o o o o o o
Time for the fun pack song
Kopi-O o o o o o o o o
We like the fun pack song
Let's start with the bag
That's right, grab your bag
It's the fun pack bag
Attack the fun pack
I want Newater and I want a cold drink
You and me, let's share a bit
I want a biscuit and I want a sweet
You and me, let's share this treat
Kopi-O o o o o o o o o
Time for the fun pack song
Kopi-O o o o o o o o o
We like the fun pack song
Let's start with the bag
That's right, grab your bag
It's the fun pack bag
Attack the fun pack!
Friday, July 1, 2011
Beyond boredom.
This bloke seriously need to find a hobby. Can somebody please HELP him?
~Must be Gila~
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Indian pole dancers takes over Vegas!
Las Vegas clubs are cutting cost by hiring indian pole dancers instead. Considered to be more advance than their current local pole dancers, these guys have been doing it since the age of 9yrs old. They are much more affordable and known to give your change back if you don't have a small note.
~Must be Gila~
~Must be Gila~
Friday, June 24, 2011
Every kids hero - Ad Guy!
Always wanted to be in advertising? Well if you can't get in, then at least train your kids to be just like Ad Guy.
~Must be Gila~
Watch your weight.
Thais are really great and GILA with their commercials. Check this one.
~Must be Gila~
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
How to ride bike in Malaysia
There's left hand and right hand drive in different parts of the world.
For bikes in Malaysia, same rule applies. Malaysia boleh!
~Must be Gila~
Delicious Lunch
~Must be Gila~
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Friday, June 17, 2011
Chinese Bride Discovers Groom Is Gay When His Boyfriend Crashes The Wedding
It was supposed to be the happiest day of her life, but this Chinese bride was in for a rude shock.
On her wedding day, the man she was supposed to marry is suddenly approached by a stranger who claims to be his longtime lover. What follows is a loud argument between the bride and the stranger, while the groom tries to mediate and pull the two apart.
A video of the incident, which surfaced on Chinese video-hosting site Youku and featured on Chinese website chinaSMACK, is quickly going viral on the net.
While some netizens expressed shock, others doubt the authenticity of the video, saying it could be an excerpt of a scene in a television show or film.
True or not? You be the judge.
chinaSMACK also produced a translation of the dialogue in the video, which is in Mandarin, as follows:
Boyfriend: You shut up, us two were together long before you entered the picture!
Bride: What do you mean you two were together long before I was in the picture?
Groom: Hey hey, don't get physical, don't get physical.
Bride: Just who the f**k are you!?
Boyfriend: Shut up!
Bride: It's my wedding, what are you doing here?! Who are you? Who is he?
Groom: Wait, wait, wait.
Bride: Who is he? Tell me, who is he?
Groom: Let me explain.
Boyfriend: Don't explain to her.
Bride: What are you doing, what f**king business is it of yours?
Best Man: Enough, enough, both of you calm down.
Bride: Tell me, who is he? Who is he?!
Bride: You come back here!
Bride: What do you mean you two were together long before I was in the picture?
Groom: Hey hey, don't get physical, don't get physical.
Bride: Just who the f**k are you!?
Boyfriend: Shut up!
Bride: It's my wedding, what are you doing here?! Who are you? Who is he?
Groom: Wait, wait, wait.
Bride: Who is he? Tell me, who is he?
Groom: Let me explain.
Boyfriend: Don't explain to her.
Bride: What are you doing, what f**king business is it of yours?
Best Man: Enough, enough, both of you calm down.
Bride: Tell me, who is he? Who is he?!
Bride: You come back here!
~Must be Gila~
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Racial hoax causes PR headache for McDonald's
An online hoax that falsely suggests McDonald's discriminates against African-American customers is causing a PR headache for the Golden Arches.
Over the weekend, the photograph above circulated widely on the internet. The image shows what looks like an official McDonald's notice in the window of a restaurant, telling customers that blacks will be charged $1.50 extra "as an insurance measure due in part to a recent string of robberies."
Many internet users retweeted the photo, using the words "Seriously McDonald's," to express their disapproval of the burger chain.
In response, McDonald's sent a tweet of its own on Saturday: "That pic is a senseless & ignorant hoax McD's values ALL our customers. Diversity runs deep in our culture on both sides of the counter."
But that clearly wasn't enough to clear things up, because Twitter users continued to send out the picture, with that same message of condemnation: "Seriously McDonald's." Indeed, so many people sent "Seriously McDonald's" Tweets that the phrase became a leading entry on Twitter's trend list.
That led to a second, blunter McTweet, on Sunday: " That serious McDonalds picture is a hoax."
The latest pushback effort seems to have helped keep the photo from spreading too much further--but there's no telling how many people out there still think the photo is for real.
This is hardly the only recent barrage of negative publicity for the burger behemoth--some of it more justified. McDonalds CEO Jim Skinner recently was forced to defend the company's renewed use of the Ronald McDonald mascot to appeal to children, after critics said the restaurant's fat-laden burgers and fries endanger kids' health.
It's not clear who created the hoax image. It appears to have first showed up on the popular 4chan message board, and it was posted last year on anti-McDonald's blog.
But there's no doubt it's fake. As some Twitter users have pointed out, the toll-free number given at the bottom of the sign is actually the number for ... Kentucky Fried Chicken.
~Must be Gila~
~Must be Gila~
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Gila invention. New dog in town
Fancy taking one of this for a walk around your neighborhood? Children might find this disturbing. Would you like to pat my new dog little Jessica? lol
It's so close to an actual animal. Imagine how much time and efforts it took for the team to create this. Could this be the first Terminator machine that will one day rule our world?
~Must be Gila~
It's so close to an actual animal. Imagine how much time and efforts it took for the team to create this. Could this be the first Terminator machine that will one day rule our world?
~Must be Gila~
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Friday, June 3, 2011
Justin Bieber's dad trying is luck at singing.
This must be the ultimate "Must be Gila". Way beyond anything we have seen before. We can't think of any words to describe this bloke. He is on another level...out of this galaxy...far...far...away.
Can somebody please explain this?
~Over the top Must be Gila~
Can somebody please explain this?
~Over the top Must be Gila~
Monday, May 30, 2011
Transformer, casting video.
Ok who needs valet now that you can drive and walk at the same time?
~Must be Gila~
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Apache pilots in training
First there was Planking. Next, escalator spinning?
Don't try this at home...cause you can't! lol
~Must be Gila~
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
The Real Ninja Webpage!
Ninjas can kill anyone they want! Ninjas cut off heads ALL the time and don't even think twice about it. These guys are so crazy and awesome that they flip out ALL the time. I heard that there was this ninja who was eating at a diner. And when some dude dropped a spoon the ninja killed the whole town. My friend Mark said that he saw a ninja totally uppercut some kid just because the kid opened a window.
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