Saturday, February 26, 2011


PewPew is a game where two people use two microphones to control one jet-pack equipped, shape shooting space-man. Me and my mates were just discussing about a Karaoke style PewPew. Now there's even a kind of game. Wicked!
Watch here!
~Must be Gila~

Friday, February 25, 2011

Angry Birds

Hilarious! ~Must be Gila~

Predator: The Musical

There's a whole list of them on Youtube. Check them all out.
~Must be Gila~

Darren Brown

If you hear this name...stand away. Darren Brown performs various illusions and mental stunts usually catching his victims off-guard.

~Must be Gila~

Thursday, February 24, 2011

To all my Singaporean Clubbers

This bloke is creating a buzz with his viral video about Singaporeans clubbing. Check it out. Already 22 000 and counting.

Must see...
~Must be Gila~

Super Slow Mo is ...Awesome!!!

Check out the last

~Must be Gila~

Blackening Bride

If you're a Scot, female and getting married...prepare to be ...BLACKEN! Yes..
Scottish brides-to-be must go through a very foul pre-wedding ritual. Friends of the bride will surprise her and cover her with anything black and disgusting. She will then have to parade around town.
Can you believe that this ritual is to actually prepare the bride for the marriage itself. Cause after one has been through this, any marital problems will seem like nothing.

~Must be Gila~

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

You know you're living in 2011 when...

~Must be Gila~

Mario Kart with Xbox Kinect

Xbox Kinect brings games and entertainment to life. Extraordinary new ways without using a controller. Makes you feel as though you're in the game! This is by far, the ultimate gaming experience.
~Must be Gila~

Ken takes out car. Bonus stage!

~Must be Gila~

Feeling weaker than normal? Try the Weak Shop

~Website of the week~
If you love online shopping, this is the site for you lazy bastards. They have just about everything to make your life ...'lazier'.
~Must be Gila~

Little Girl Afraid Of Her Own Shadow

This can adorable or a completely nightmare.
~Must be Gila~

Take That's Latest Music Video.

The most exciting reunion in British band pop history, Take That has just released their highly anticipated video of 2011. Exclusive to 'Must be Gila'. You're the first in the world to see this.

~Must be Gila~

Watch what you eat

~Must be Gila~

Ken Lee

Here's an old classic. 10 million hits and counting...can't get enough.
~Must be Gila~

Drunk and on TV

Check out the bloke in the background. He must have fallen on his face. lol
~Must be Gila~

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Longesssssst Names

Person's Name:
The longest name to date is Adolph Blaine Charles David Earl Frederick Jack Gerald Hubert Irvin John Kenneth Lloyd Martin Nero Oliver Paul Quincy Randolph Sherman Thomas Uncas Victor William Xerxes Yancy Zeus Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorft Senior 

The longest one-word name is of a young Hawaiian boy named Kananinoheaokuuhomeopuukaimanaalohilo. The name means "The Beautiful Aroma of My Home at Sparkling Diamond Hill is Carried to the Eyes of Heaven". In Hawaii, it is the custom to give children long, descriptive names. Dont worry though, they call him Joe, of all things, for short. 

Place Name:
The longest place name is the actual name of the city Bangkok, in Thailand:

titsakattiyavisanukamphrasit (155 letters) 

This translates to "The land of angels, the great city of immortality, of divine gems, the great angelic land unconquerable land of nine noble gems, the royal city, a pleasant capital place of the Royal Palace, eternal land of angels and reincarnated spirits predestined and created by the highest Devas." 

~Must be Gila~

No such thing as a cheap thrill in Europe anymore........

After that I think I need something a bullet!!
~Must be Gila~

I don't care how good you are at parking dear, you're not going to get the car in there.......

After waiting 8 months for the council to provide them with a "Disabled Parking Space" they got this!!!
~Must be Gila~